Contact Us

Phone: (541) 801-8547


LinkedIn :


Daniel Corzo

Phone: (858) 837-1671


LinkedIn :

Tara Disser

Questions & Answers

Código Latino

Q: Do I have to be hispanic/latino to join? Do I need to

know Spanish?

A: Everyone is absolutely welcomed. The goal of the club is to feel everyone included. You must not know Spanish in order to join.

Q: Do I have to be hispanic/latino to join? Do I need to

know Spanish?

A: Everyone is absolutely welcomed. The goal of the club is to feel everyone included. You must not know Spanish in order to join.

Q: What events and activities happen during the club?

A: We do our best to balance the idea of professional

hands-on learning, with activities that are fun for everyone.

The focus is on resume/VC building, study support nights

movie/game nights, guest speaker hearing and field trips.

Q: What impact you want the club to have?

A: We want to create a space for a community where

we can develop our technical skills and networking

together. A space where we can share our thought and

have fun while navigating the intense

life that college offers.

Q: When and where does the club take place?

A: The meetings are every week's Monday at

the EMU Room 132 at 5:30 PM.

Hola, soy Daniel!

As a sophomore Mexican student graduating in 2027. I've spent nine years in Mexico

and am now studying both Computer Science and Data Science. My passion

lie deeply within the realms of artificial intelligence and software development.

I am a 2nd-year CS & DSCI studentI aspire to use my technical skills for good

and am working to implement them to improve public health and wellbeing.

Excited to be part of the team working to create a space for this

community to come together!

Hola, mi nombre es Tara

About Us


Código Latino

"Shoot for the moon. If you don’t reach it,

you will land among the stars."

José Hernández